Artículos de revista internacional con arbitraje
Bautista-Camino, Pedro, Alejandro I. Barranco-Gutiérrez, Ilse Cervantes, Martin Rodríguez-Licea, Juan Prado-Olivarez, and Francisco J. Pérez-Pinal. 2022. "Local Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Based on the Natural Behavior of the Biological Action-Perception Motion" Energies 15, no. 5: 1769.
Kevin Cano-Pulido; Ismael Araujo-Vargas; Ilse Cervantes; Teresa Granados-Luna; Enrique Velazquez-Elizondo “Sampled-Data Model of a Two-Phase, Dual Interleaved Buck-Boost Converter with PCM" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 6349-6358, June 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3125968.
Rodríguez-León, Jhon F., Cervantes, Ilse, Castillo-Castañeda, Eduardo, Carbone, Giuseppe and Cafolla, Daniele “Design and Preliminary Testing of a Magnetic Spring as an Energy-Storing System for Reduced Power Consumption of a Humanoid Arm” Actuators, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2021, Art. No. 136, ISSN: 2076-0825, DOI: 10.3390/act10060136.
Marco Hernandez-Nochebuena, Ilse Cervantes, Ismael Araujo-Vargas [2021] “The effect of the energy interchange dynamics on the zero-energy hydrogen economy of households with FC hybrid electric vehicles” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 46, Issue 40, 11 June 2021, Pages 21160-21181, DOI (asociada a estudiante de doctorado), issn 0360-3199
Carlos A. Cervantes-Ortiz a, Ilse Cervantes, Rosa E. Cervantes-Camacho [2021] “The effect of parameters and irradiance estimation techniques on PV potential quantification: The case of Mexico” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 45 (2021) 101131, ISSN 2213-1388,
J. Morales-Morales, M. A. Rivera-Cruz, P. Cruz-Alcantar, H. Bautista Santos, I. Cervantes and V. A. Reyes Herrera [2020] “Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Multiple Converter Configuration” Applied Science, 10, 1074; doi:10.3390/app10031074 , issn 2076-3417
TR Granados-Luna, I. Araujo-Vargas , Andrew J. Forsyth , K. Cano-Pulido, P. E Velázquez-Elizondo, I Cervantes, F. Gómez-Olguín, and A. Villarruel-Parra , [2020] "Two-Phase, Dual Interleaved Buck–Boost DC–DC Converter for Automotive Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 390-402, 2020.doi: 10.1109/TIA.2019.2942026, issn 0093-9994
Angelica Mendoza-Torres, , Nancy Visairo, , Ciro Nuñez, , Jesus Armenta, Elías Rodríguez, Ilse Cervantes , [2019] “Switching rule for a bidirectional DC/DC converter in an electric vehicle”, Control Engineering Practice vol. 82 pp. 108–117,, issn 0967-0661
Ilse Cervantes, Marco Hernandez-Nochebuena, , Ulises Cano-Castillo, Ismael Araujo-Vargas [2018] “A graphical approach to optimal power management for uncertain OFF-Grid PV-FC electrolyzer-battery hybrid systems” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy vol. 43 pp 19336-19351, (asociada a estudiante de doctorado), issn 0360-3199.
Martín R. Licea, I. Cervantes [2018] “An Approach to Mitigate the Lateral Skid for Wheeled Vehicles”, IEEE Trans Latin American, Vol. 16, No 5, pp 1306 - 1313. DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2018.8407101. (asociada a tesis de doctorado) issn 1548-0992.
I. Cervantes. F. Mendez-Vergara [2011] “Hybrid Tracking control of fixed wing aerial vehicles“. Mathematics in Engineering , Science and Aeroespace. Vol. 2, No 4, p 371-383, ISBN: 2041-3165 (print) 2041-3173