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CICATA logo blanco   Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada, Unidad Querétaro   

Capítulos en líbros


  1. Girón de la Cruz, G.I., Barceinas-Sánchez, J.D.O., Gómez-Ramírez, M. Study of a denatured Bovine Serum Albumin solution used as lubricant in tribological testing of total knee replacements. Recent Trends in Sustainable Engineering - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science and Advanced Technology. Editors: Flores Rodríguez, K.L., Ramos Alvarado, R., Barati, M., Segovia Tagle, V., Velazquez Gonzalez, R.S. (Eds.). ISBN 978-3-030-82064-0, 2021, Vol. 297, Páginas: 12 
  2. Marlenne Gómez-Ramírez and Sergio A. Tenorio-Sánchez (July 8th 2020). Treatment of solid waste containing metals by biological methods, Natural Resources Management and Biological Sciences, Edward R. Rhodes and Humood Naser, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92211. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/books/natural-resources-management-and-biological-sciences/treatment-of-solid-waste-containing-metals-by-biological-methods 
  1. Gómez-Ramírez M. & Tenorio-Sánchez S.A. 2019. Overview of metal. In: Biotechnology for treatment of wastes containing metals, River Publishers,
  1. Gómez-Ramírez M. & Tenorio-Sánchez S.A. 2019. Parameters invoolved in biotreatment of solid waste containing metals. In: Biotechnology for treatment of wastes containing metals, River Publishers,
  1. Rojas-Avelizapa, L.I., Gómez Ramírez, M & Cruz Camarillo (2002). The chitosanase of Bacillus thuringiensis. En “Advances in Chitin Science Vol. 5”. Editado por K, Suchiva, S. Chandrkrachang, P. Methacanon and M.G. Peter. pp. 418-421 
  1. Gómez Ramírez, M., Rojas-Avelizapa, L.I. & Cruz Camarillo (2002). A sensitive technique for the selection of chitinolytic microorganisms and for the evaluation of Chitinase. En “Advances in Chitin Science Vol. 5”. Editado por K, Suchiva, S. Chandrkrachang, P. Methacanon and M.G. Peter. pp. 407-411.
  1. Rojas-Avelizapa, L.I., Gómez Ramírez, M & Cruz Camarillo, R. (2002). Fermentation of shrimp waste by Bacillus thuringiensis to produce proteo-chitinolytic enzymes and insecticide crystals. En: Muzzarelli, R.A.A., Muzzarelli, C. (Eds), Chitosan in Pharmacy and Chemistry. Atec, Italy, pp 479-487. ISBN: 974-229-412-7.
  2. Gómez Ramírez, M., Rojas-Avelizapa, L.I. & Cruz Camarillo, R. (2001). The chitinase of Bacillus thuringiensis. En: Muzzarelli, R.A.A. (Eds), Chitin Enzymology 2001. Atec, italy, pp 273-281. ISBN: 88-86889-06-2.



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