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CICATA logo blanco   Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada, Unidad Querétaro   

Artículos publicados


Salas, P. Vera, M. Zea-Ortiz, E. A. Villaseñor, D. Pulido and A. Figueroa. Fine-Grained Large-Scale Vulnerable Communities Mapping via Satellite Imagery and Population Census Using Deep Learning. Remote Sensing, 2021.

Salas, P. Vera, A. Hernandez and M. E. Meza. An Augmented Reality Implementation of the Pong Game. IEEE Transactions on Games, 2021.

Vera, O. Icasio-Hernández and J. Salas. Determination of the Center of Radial Distortion for a Camera Lens. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020.

Garcia, P. Vera and J. Salas. Computing the coefficients of lens distortion models using planar surfaces. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017.

Vera, S. Monjaraz and J. Salas. Counting pedestrians with a zenithal arrangement of depth cameras. Machine Vision and Applications, 2016.

A. Franco-Moreno, V. H. Cruz-Escalona, D. Aurioles-Gamboa, P. Vera-Alfaro, J. Salas, and S. Ravela. Variability and sexual dimorphism in skull morphometry of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus) in Mexico. Mammalian Biology, 2015.

Duyck, C. Finn, A. Hutcheon, P. Vera, J. Salas and S. Ravela. Sloop: A pattern retrieval engine for individual animal identification. Pattern Recognition, 2015.

Finn, J. Duyck, A. Hutcheon, P. Vera, J. Salas and S. Ravela. Relevance feedback in biometric retrieval of animal photographs. Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014.

Azarcoya-Cabiedes, P. Vera-Alfaro, A. Torres-Ruiz, and J. Salas-Rodríguez. Automatic detection of bumblebees using video analysis. Dyna, 2014.

Vera, D. Zenteno and J. Salas. A smartphone-based virtual white cane. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2014.

Vera, D. Zenteno and J. Salas. Counting pedestrians in bidirectional scenarios using zenithal depth images. Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2013.

Salas and P. Vera. Counting the Bumblebees Entering and Leaving a Beehive. Visual observation and analysis of Animal and Insect Behaviour (VAIB), 2012.

Miranda, J. Salas and P. Vera. Bumblebees detection and tracking. Visual observation and analysis of Animal and Insect Behaviour (VAIB), 2012.

Vera-Alfaro, J. Salas-Rodríguez, R. Manduchi, and E. Sánchez-Martínez. Detección automática de la apertura y el cierre de las flores de Mammillaria mathildae Kraehenb. & Krainz. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, 2010.

Vera Alfaro and J. Salas Rodríguez. Cálculo de la Incertidumbre en la Medición Visual de los Parámetros de un Péndulo de Foucault. Computación y Sistemas, 2008.



D.R.  Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN).  Av.  Luis Enrique  Erro S/N,  Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos,  Zacatenco,

Alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07738, Ciudad de México, 2019. Conmutador: 55 57 29 60 00 / 55 57 29 63 00.


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