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M. Nieto Pérez, R. Avalos-Zúñiga & G. Ramos, “Monte Carlo simulation of ion–material interactions in nuclear fusion devices”, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology, 172, 5-6, 429-440.


R. A. Avalos-Zúñiga, J. Priede, C. E. Bello-Morales, “A homopolar disc dynamo experiment with liquid metal contacts, Magnetohydrodynamics”53, 2, Pag. 341-347.


Miguel Angel San-Pablo-Juarez, Eduardo Morales-Sánchez, Fernando, Ireta-Moreno, Raúl Alejandro Avalos-Zúñiga, and José Joel González-Barbosa, Electrical Impedance Tomography image reconstruction using back- projection with OpenCV, Technological Trends in Computing, Vol. 119 Pag. 55-55.


Raúl A. Avalos-Zúñiga, Janis Priede, Carla E. Bello-Morales, Eduardo Morales-Sánchez, First result of homopolar dynamo experiment with liquid metal contacts”, 10th PAMIR International Conference -Fundamental and Applied MHD Vol. 1 Pag. 700-700.


R. A. Avalos-Zúñiga, M. J. Nieto-Pérez, G. A. Ramos-López, “Inductionless Magnetohydrodynamic Laminar Flow in a Narrow-Gap Annular Duct”, Experimental and Computational Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Science and Engineering J. Klapp and A. Medina (eds.), Springer International Publishing, 361-368, Switzerland.


B. Contreras-Jiménez, M. Gaytán-Martínez, J. Figueroa-Cárdenas, R. A. Avalos-Zúñiga, E. Morales-Sánchez. “Effect of steeping time and calcium hydroxide concentration on the water absorption and pasting profile of corn grits”, journal of food engineering, 122, 72-77.


R. A. Avalos-Zúñiga & J. Priede, “Feasible homopolar dynamo with sliding liquid-metal contacts”,  9th International conference on fundamental and applied MHD, space trips thermos-acoustic and space technologies, 1, 165-169.


J. Priede, R. & R. A. Avalos-Zúñiga, “Feasible homopolar dynamo with sliding liquid-metal contacts”, Physics Letters A, 377, 2093–2096.


M. Nieto-Pérez, R. Avalos-Zúñiga and G. Ramos, “Design aspects of an experimental test stand for the study of liquid-lithium-film condensation”, IEEE transactions on plasma science, 40, 5 , part: 2.


J. Priede, R. A. Avalos-Zúñiga and F. Plunian, “Homopolar oscillating-disc dynamo driven by parametric resonance”, Physics Letter A, 374, 584-587.


R. Avalos-Zúñiga, F. Plunian and Karl-Heinz Rädler, “Rossby waves and alpha effect”, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 103, 375 - 396.


R. Avalos-Zúñiga, M. Xu, F. Stefani, G. Gerbeth and F. Plunian, “Cylindrical anisotropic alpha^2 dynamos”, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 101, Nos. 5-6, October –December.


R. Avalos-Zúñiga and F. Plunian, “Influence of inner and outer walls electromagnetic properties on the onset of stationary dynamo”, European Physical Journal B, 47, 127-135, September.


Avalos-Zúñiga, R., Plunian, F., Rädler, K. H., “Mean electromotive force for a ring of helical vortices” en Mechanics of the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Editorial Springer, Editors: W. Gutkowski y T. A. Kowalewski. FM19_11290. ISBN 1402034563


E. Ramos, B. D. Storey, F. Sierra, R. A.-Zúñiga, and A. Avramenko, "Temperature distribution in an oscillatory flow with a sinusoidal wall temperature," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47, Issue 22, 4929-4938, October.


R. Avalos-Zúñiga, F. Plunian and A. Gailitis, “Influence of electromagnetic boundary conditions on the onset of dynamo action in laboratory experiments”, Physical Review E, 68, 066307.


F. Sierra, Z. Mazur, J. Kubiak, G.Urquiza, Raúl Á.-Zúñiga, C. Mariño and A. Hernández, “Modeling of the flow at the last stage blade tenon in a geothermal turbine using renormalization group theory turbulence model”, Applied Thermal Engineering; vol.20, 81-100.



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